Workflow is the new work and it needs Unified Communication

Workflow is the definition, execution and automation of business processes where tasks, information or documents are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules. When we can take all these elements together and start to engineer them as one complete thing, then we can use Unified Communications to help connect and drive the process. Read more here Workplace Is the New Work and it needs Unified Communication, Adrain Bridgewater, Forbes 1/25/2017

Welcome to the MiCTA Blog

Our blog is intended to provide practical and timely insights for technology specialists, financial officers and all those in non-profit organizations involved with keeping their organization's technology and infrastructure needs current, affordable and up-to-date with information on the latest technology trends.

MiCTA is a national non-profit association of higher education, K-12, government and other non-profits. MiCTA serves thousands of its members nationwide and provides quality products and services to its members at outstanding discounts.

Posts will be written by MiCTA staff and consultants. We may have guest bloggers periodically and additional authors from our customers, vendors and others. Our goal is to engage you with interesting and readable posts on the emerging technologies that may affect you the most.

We welcome your feedback, comments, ideas and creative solutions. Please join us in this conversation.


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