Vendors Juniper Networks - Education
MiCTA Members
Contract Details:
- Master Service Agreement
- Pricing
- Participation Agreement
Mike Newcomb
Juniper Enterprise Vertical Team, Higher Education and State/Local Government West
M: 618.541.0428
Gavin Lee
State and Local Government, Education/SLED Business Development
M: 404.307.6650
Current RFP Awards: Approved - National
Products Under Contract
- IP Services
- Wireless Equipment and Services
- Equipment
- Specialty Services
For a complete list of products and services awarded under contract please see the Master Service Agreement.
Juniper’s AI-Enabled Campus is a comprehensive reference architecture that allows colleges, universities, and research institutions to build secure, high-performance digital learning and research networks.
To minimize complexity and cost, the network must be able to focus on the experience of the end user first. AI and machine learning must be infused from the access edge as well as to switches, routers, data center, and security devices. Juniper is the leader in providing a cloud-enabled, end-to-end AI and machine learning engine focused on delivering the best user experience.
Case Studies:
Coppell Independent School District
Higher Education
The College of William and Mary
The University of Texas at Arlington