MiCTA Has Issued An RFP For Next Generation 9-1-1 Equipment and Services
(NG 9-1-1)
NG 9-1-1 services sought for national membership
Saginaw, MI (June 27) – MiCTA, a national non-profit technology consortium will be issuing a Request For Proposals from qualified vendors of Next Generation 9-1-1 Equipment and Services (NG 9-1-1) under the terms of a Master Service Agreement on June 26th. Vendors that wish to receive a copy of the RFP should contact MiCTA to express interest in receiving a copy of the RFP once it has been released. The deadline to respond is August 1st, 2018.
"The RFP seeks to identify qualified Next Generation 9-1-1 Equipment and Services (NG 9-1-1) vendors across the United States," says Tim von Hoff, Chief Executive Officer of MiCTA. "Many of our members would like to take advantage of programs to help them provide effective NG 9-1-1 systems," says von Hoff. "By evaluating qualified NG 9-1-1 vendors under a competitive Request for Proposal process, MiCTA aims to streamline and reduce the cost of purchasing and implementing NG 9-1-1 solutions.”
For more information about the current RFP, or to request a copy, interested potential vendors should contact MiCTA through its website, at http://www.mictatech.org or email rfp@mictatech.org. Information about the RFP can be found under the “News and Announcements” tab.
To view the RFP, click here.
If you have further questions, please send them to rfp@mictatech.org or call 888-964-2227.