Strategic Management Associates- MiCTA Approved National Vendor.
WannaCry Decryption Tools for Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 and 7
May 19, 2017: It has been confirmed by third party specialists, two decryption software tools are effective for “WannaCry”……..WannaKey and WanaKiwi (aka gentilkiwi).Source:
Britain’s Nuclear Submarines Exposed to WannaCry as They’re Still on Windows XP
May 22, 2017: Windows XP wasn’t the biggest victim of the WannaCry ransomware, but the lack of patches is always worrying, especially because there is no guarantee that Microsoft would do the same thing in the future and release an emergency update to block infections. Britain’s nuclear submarines are among those that could be vulnerable to future attacks similar to WannaCry, as they are still on Windows XP, with no plans to upgrade to a newer operating system whatsoever.
Crooks use WannaCrypt hysteria as hook for BT-branded phishing emails
May 19, 2017: Criminals have latched on to the WannaCrypt outbreak as a theme for scam emails. Coincidentally some consumers are receiving seemingly genuine warnings from their ISPs related to suspected infection during last week's worldwide ransomware outbreak. Action Fraud warned about a dodgy email trying to trick BT customers on Thursday. Recipients, who were falsely warned that they would be locked out of their account unless they completed a bogus "security check", commented that the emails were convincing. Source: